Pug106.co.uk - The Peugeot 106 Website

About Pug106.co.uk

My 106 Quiksilver
My 106 S16
My 106 Quiksilver & S16

Welcome to Pug106.co.uk and thanks for visiting.

I have spent a lot time researching and creating this website for the simple reason, nobody else had, well, at least nobody had any decent information on the Quiksilver model which is what I had at the time and wanted to modify.

The site has now become a huge success with loads of support, which is why I've continued my work on it since it was first put online back early in 2000.

Anyway, I hope it helps to inform you all and I hope you will be able to use the site to help decide how to modify your 106 from start to finish.

In late 2002/ early 2003 I will be publishing the information on my latest 106 project. Watch out for a heavily, yet subtly, modified 106 S16.

